L’applicazione CheckTrees è stata studiata per aiutare arboricoltori professionisti a creare censimenti arborei, compresi: posizione su mappa, interventi pianificati e organismi associati. Successivamente è possibile caricare i dati raccolti sul portale CheckTrees.it , dove potrai visualizzarli e parzialmente modificarli. Il censimento caricato può essere rilasciato attraverso unità di credito acquistabili mediante Google Play, carta di credito o a seguito di fatturazione. Successivamente è possibile esportare il censimento in shapefile o XLS per una successiva rielaborazione o consegna al cliente; lo stesso può essere pubblicato sul portale CheckTrees.it e assegnato al cliente. Per accedere all’applicazione è necessario un “account arboricoltore” gratuito.


Con l’applicazione CheckTrees potrai:

  • raccogliere dati inerenti le dimensioni degli alberi e le loro valutazioni,
  • assegnare interventi pianificati per la manutenzione del verde arboreo,
  • registrare organismi associati,
  • caricare i dati raccolti sul portale CheckTrees,
  • scaricare censimenti in diversi formati.

Ultime modifiche

Version 1.3.5 (r9318, v38)

  • It is now possible to backup projects to Google Drive. When user backs up a project she selects if she wants to save it directly to the device or to Google Drive. The back-up file on the Google Drive is saved into the bonsai-exports folder. On the device the back-up file is saved to the /sdcard/bonsai/exports/ folder. When user wants to restore a project she selects if she wants to restore from Google Drive or from the device. When the Google drive is selected user is provided with back-up files from the bonsai-exports folder. When the restore from the device is selected user is provided with back-up files from the /sdcard/bonsai/exports/ folder. A new permission is required during installation because of the Google Drive integration.
  • The treatments tab in the tree editing activity will now have a badge with the count of the treatments and the associates tab will have a badge with the count of the associate records.
  • The app has been updated to work on tablets with the screen size which is slightly smaller than 10.1" (10 or 9.7") and with other screen aspect ratio than 16:9.
  • The information about the selected tree in map now contains the inspection date.
  • The map feature of going to tree with the given number or RFID which so far worked only for the currently selected site has been updated to work for the whole project as well.
  • Deletion of associate records sometimes did not work correctly.

Version 1.3.3 (r9143, v36)

  • A Cancel buton has been added to the dialog for selection of predefined notes.

Version 1.3.2 (r9129, v35)

  • Users can now predefine list of values and titles of the user defined fields for individual projects.
  • The editing of tree notes using the predefined notes now allows to select multiple predefined values at once. The user interface of the selection dialog might change depending on the user experience.
  • The list of treatments in the tree editing activity is now ordered by status.
  • A progress dialog is displayed while projects are being deleted.
  • Small bug fixes.

Version 1.3.1 (r9018, v34)

  • Always update the value of the proposed date attribute of the work items which are in the 'proposed' state according to the tree's inspected date.
  • Make the back icon in the action toolbar return to the prevuious activity instead of the dashboard.
  • Keep the map activity alive when a tree is edited from the map and reuse it later.

Version 1.3.0 (r8960, v33)

  • Fixed application crash.

Version 1.2.10 (r8914, v31)

  • Upload of project to the server could fail when the app had not been used for longer period before.
  • Fixed data of some predefined WMS layers.
  • The species of tree in the left column in the catalogue could span more lines.

Version 1.2.9 (r8890, v30)

  • The application has been updated for use with Android Nougat (version 7).
  • For some projects the backup and restore did not work correctly.
  • The statistics for project, district and site in the catalogue is now displayed on demand to prevent problems which occured for larger projects.
  • User can delete WMS layers.
  • Tree group area is now displayed in catalogue and in map.
  • Translation to French has been added.
  • A basic version of batch project data review has been added. For now it checks tree dimensions. This feature is experimantal and the UI will change a lot in the future.
  • Large tree groups did not display in map if their center was outside the current map viewport.
  • Several strings has been updated.

Version 1.2.7 (r8788, v28)

  • Various small bugfixes.

Version 1.2.6 (r8710, v27)

  • An italian translation has been added.

Version 1.2.5 (r8706, v26)

  • Going to the map from catalogue and vice versa did not work correctly.

Version 1.2.4 (r8664, v25)

  • It is now possible to display photos in fullscreen when editing trees and tree groups. When you first touch the thumbnail it will be selected, the second touch will display the photo in fullscreen and the third touch will revert the photo to the thumbnail.
  • The transparency settings for offline maps has been moved to the map layer settings.
  • Offline maps did not work correctly.
  • Small bug fixes.

Version 1.2.3 (r8623, v24)

  • The map comonent has been updated. Unfortunately the older version of the app will not work correctly.
  • An option to delete attached photos has been added to the catalogue.
  • It is not possible to go to the map if there is no selected project..

Version 1.2.2 (r8493, v23)

  • New tree group treatment technologie have been added (SK-RTPP, SK-RTHL, SK-RTZP).

Version 1.2.1 (r8469, v22)

  • App now talks to the CheckTrees.com server via HTTPS only.
  • A camera widget has been added to the Assesment tab in the tree editin activity.
  • The Delete project menu item has been moved away from the Backup menu item to avoid accidental removal of projects.
  • The + button did not work correctly when editing time consumption for treatments.
  • It was not possible to edit existing associates.
  • It was not possible to delete existing associates.

Version 1.2.0 (r8409, v21)

  • Confiuration of base background map, WMS layers and offline maps has been unified into one screen. It is possible to order WMS layers.
  • Ability for map renderer to ignore legend according to UDF has been added. User can configure that he wants to set a flag when the tree edit activity is opened which will make the map renderer not apply the UDF legend even though the tree might satisfy its condition. It is possible to remove the flag in batch for a site, a district or the whole project.
  • It is now possible to create a report for a tree. The app will send to the CheckTrees website a request for creation of the report, the server will generate the report, deduct one or two credit units and notify the user via email. Trees for which the report has been generated will be not counted when releasing the project data.
  • The panel for quick selection of treatment parameters from the previous treatments now offers only values from treatments in the 'proposed' status. It also offers new ways of ordering.
  • The treatments have been enhanced with new fields for consumption of work, material and time.
  • It is now possible to edit tree's number in site.
  • The file name of a backuped project now contains a timestamp.

Version 1.1.7 (r7918, v18)

  • The predefined notes have been updated for the en_US translation.

Version 1.1.6 (r7913, v17)

  • The dropdown with the already filled values of user defined fields should open faster now.
  • Small bugfixes.

Version 1.1.5 (r7888, v16)

  • User can move trees to a different site.
  • When creating a project it is possible to select its units system - either metric or imperial.
  • The translations have been updated (lv_LV).
  • The predefined notes have been updated.
  • The predefined WMS layers in map can now be switched on/off using an icon in the top toolbar.
  • Big fixes.

Version 1.1.1 (r7622, v12)

  • User can move site to a different district.
  • The Czech cadastral map can be displayed in the map as an transparent overlay. The overlay can be switched on/off in preferences.
  • When user logs in and his user account is attached only to a single partner/arborist account this account is automatically selected.
  • A bug when some users could not log in (they got stuck during the selection of arborist/partner account) has been fixed.

Version 1.0.9 (r7515, v10)

  • Photos are imported from the project backup.
  • The app version number can be found on the dashboard screen now.
  • Other small improvements
  • Several app crashes has been fixed.

Version 1.0.8 (r7402, v9)

  • User can switch off drawing of tree crown outlines.
  • User can configure thickness of the reticle (which is used when editing positions and shapes in map).
  • User can configure the reticle color.
  • Several small bugs has been fixed.

Version 1.0.7 (r7339, v8)

  • The app can be now downloaded to tablets only.
  • When entering longer numbers into some entry fields part of the number could be invisible. The text size should now accomodate to fit the whole text into the entry.

Version 1.0.6 (r7333, v7)

  • The help link will open this website in browser.
  • Other small improvements

Version 1.0.5 (r7329, v6)

  • User can restore project directly from the ZIP file.
  • The app name has been changed to CheckTrees.
  • Other small improvements
  • Several small bugs has been fixed.

Version 1.0.4 (r7231)

  • The export/import project actions were renamed to backup/restore project which is more consistent with their purpose.
  • When a tree is saved directly from the Dendrometry tab it is now selected in map.
  • The "Reload database" action was removed. It is not useful anymore.
  • The project upload timeout length was extended.
  • Trees and groups were sometimes not displayed properly in the map when the "Show cable bracings" option was on and the internet connection was weak.
  • The distance from the last node was calculated incorrectly.

Version 1.0.2.f (r7081)

  • The ZIP files with exported projects are now saved to /sdcard/bonsai/exports/ folder.
  • The export of project feature was rewritten to be more reliable.
  • The codes in the treatment overview in the assessment card in the tree editing activity were sometimes partially invisible.
  • The labels of tree groups in map were invisible.
  • The widgets in dendrometry card in the tree group editing activity were not properly aligned.
  • The first associate organism added to a tree sometimes did not appear in the list of the added organisms and user had to switch to other card and back to see it.
  • Various untranslated strings were translated.

Version 1.0.2.e

  • A Latvian translation was added.
  • The default translation is now English.


Indirizzo:SAFE TREES, s.r.o., Na Štěpnici 945, 665 01 Rosice, Czech Republic